The Water and Sewer Authority meetings are held the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 10:00 am in the Borough office
2025 Quarterly Water, Sewer and Garbage bills will be mailed the first week of January, April, July and October. Due dates are as follows: 2-3-25, 5-5-25, 8-4-25 & 11-3-25. Second reminder quarterly bills will no longer be mailed.
We offer a website for you to pay, view and print your current or
previous bills. You can also print reports showing water
usage quarterly, semi-annually or annually. If you would like to
receive your bills via email, please set this up on the website as
https://windsor.authoritypay.com (
- Click on “Set Up Online Access”
- Enter your account number and CID number which is located on the top left hand side of your bill.
- Enter a valid email address and password
- You will see a Registration window and will also receive an
email confirming set up of your account. You must click on the
link provided in this email to complete your enrollment. After
confirming enrollment, click on the link to take you to the
Portal Log-on Page.
It is strongly recommended that you install a water pressure reducing valve (water pressure regulator) on the
water meter. The water pressure reducing valve reduces water pressure to a safe level. This will help protect your water heater,
toilet, dishwasher and washing machine when a high force of pressure comes through the water line such as when fire hydrants are used or
when a water main breaks. Just as a power surge protector helps to keep a strong and sudden surge of electricity from damaging
electrical appliances, a water reducer valve will also help to protect your water heater when a high force of pressure occurs.
Also, it is strongly recommended that you install a dual check valve. A dual check valve is a device used to ensure that water
flows in a single direction as it prevents water from flowing out of a customer’s residence and back into the public water supply system
which will help to protect against potential contamination. Check valves are typically installed close to the meter. It should always
be installed on the customer’s side of the meter. This is the side that leads to your internal plumbing. There is typically an arrow on
the check valve itself, which indicates the direction of the water flow. This arrow should be pointing away from the meter and toward
your internal plumbing.
Water Meters - Sidewalks and areas leading up to your water meter need to be kept easily accessible. The maintenance person will not be able to read the water meter if there is tall grass, high bushes, clutter, or snow covered areas around the meter. For safety reasons please keep dogs confined when the maintenance person is on your property. Any meters that are blocked, covered or not easily accessible may be subject to an estimated reading which could result in a higher bill.
New Policy for Quarterly Water, Sewer and Garbage bills – If an account is not paid by the penalty due date, a water shut off notice will be posted on the door. There is a $35 fee for posting water shut off notices on a residents’ door and the fee will be added to the customers account. If water service is turned off for failure to pay the bill, there is a water restore fee of $120 which will need to be paid in addition to the outstanding balance.
We accept the following forms of payment for the quarterly bills: cash, check or money order. For payments made after regular office hours, a drop box is located at the Borough office, to the left of the front door.
Payments can also be made with a credit/debit card
by going to
A 15% penalty fee will be added to accounts if payment is received
after the due date.